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"type": "group"


Trait Type Default Description
name string

The name of the catalog item.

description string

The description of the catalog item. Markdown and HTML may be used.

hideDefaultDescription boolean

If true, then no generic default description will be displayed if description is undefined.

nameInCatalog string

The name of the item to be displayed in the catalog, if it is different from the one to display in the workbench.

info InfoSectionTraits[]

Human-readable information about this dataset.

infoSectionOrder string[]

An array of section titles defining the display order of info sections. If this property is not defined, {@link DataPreviewSections}'s DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER is used

isOpenInWorkbench boolean true

Whether the item in the workbench open or collapsed.

shortReport string

A short report to show on the now viewing tab.

shortReportSections ShortReportTraits[]

A list of collapsible sections of the short report

isExperiencingIssues boolean

Whether the catalog item is experiencing issues which may cause its data to be unavailable

hideSource boolean

Indicates that the source of this data should be hidden from the UI (obviously this isn't super-secure as you can just look at the network requests).

metadataUrls MetadataUrlTraits[]

Metadata URLs to show in data catalog.

dataUrls DataUrlTraits[]

Data URLs to show in data catalog.

dataCustodian string

Gets or sets a description of the custodian of this data item.

modelDimensions EnumDimensionTraits[]

This provides ability to set model JSON through SelectableDimensions (a dropdown). When an option is selected, the value property will be used to call updateModelFromJson(). All string properties support Mustache templates (with the catalog member as context)

disableAboutData boolean

Disables the 'About Data' button in the workbench.

shareable boolean true

True (default) if this catalog member may be included in share links. False to exclude it from share links.

excludeMembers string[]

An array of strings of excluded group and item names (or ids). A group or item name (or id) that appears in this list will not be shown to the user. This is case-insensitive and will also apply to all child/nested groups

includeMembersRegex string

A regular expression that is matched against the member names and ids. Only members (groups and items) that match against the regular expression will be shown to the user. This is case-insensitive and will only apply to the first level of members (not in nested groups). This is applied before excludeMembers.

isOpen boolean

True if this group is open and its contents are visible; otherwise, false.

mergeGroupsByName boolean

Merge member groups by name.

sortMembersBy string

Sort members by the given property/trait. For example name, will sort all members by alphabetically

members ModelReference

The members of this group.

displayGroup boolean

Allow adding all members to the workbench with one click. Show Add All / Remove All button

itemProperties any

Sets traits on group member items (note - will not set traits to sub-groups). This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups). Also see itemPropertiesByType and itemPropertiesByIds.

Item properties will be set in the following order (highest to lowest priority) itemPropertiesByIds, itemPropertiesByType, itemProperties.

itemPropertiesByType ItemPropertiesByTypeTraits[]

Sets traits on group member items by model type (eg csv or geojson). This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups). Only one itemProperties can be specified per type.

Item properties will be set in the following order (highest to lowest priority) itemPropertiesByIds, itemPropertiesByType, itemProperties.

itemPropertiesByIds ItemPropertiesByIdTraits[]

Sets traits on group member items by model ID. This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups). Only one itemProperties can be specified per id.

Item properties will be set in the following order (highest to lowest priority) itemPropertiesByIds, itemPropertiesByType, itemProperties.


Trait Type Default Description
name string

The name of the section.

content string

The content of the section, in Markdown and HTML format. Set this property to null to remove this section entirely.

contentAsObject any

The content of the section which is a JSON object. Set this property to null to remove this section entirely.

show boolean true

Indicates if this info section showing (not collapsed).


Trait Type Default Description
name string

The name of the section.

content string

The content of the section.

show boolean true

Indicates if this short report section showing.


Trait Type Default Description
url string

The metadata URL of the file or service.

title string

Title used for metadata URL button.


Trait Type Default Description
type string

Type of data URL. This value will be used to provide context or instruction on how to use the data URL. For example wcs will provide a link to WCS docs. Current supported values are: - wfs = A Web Feature Service (WFS) base URL - wcs = A Web Coverage Service (WCS) base URL - wfs-complete = A complete, ready-to-use link to download features from a WCS server - wcs-complete = A complete, ready-to-use link to download features from a WFS server - direct = Direct URL to dataset (this is the default if no type is specified) - none = Hide data URL

url string

The metadata URL of the file or service.

title string

Title used for metadata URL button.


Trait Type Default Description
id string

Dimension ID

name string

Dimension name (human-readable)

options DimensionOptionTraits[]

Dimension options

selectedId string

Selected Option's ID

allowUndefined boolean

Allow dimension to be undefined

disable boolean

Hides dimension


Trait Type Default Description
id string

Option ID

name string

Option name (human-readable)

value any

Value (if this is undefined, id will be used)


Trait Type Default Description
type string

The type of model to apply itemProperties to. This must be defined.

itemProperties any

Sets traits on group member items of specified type. This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups)


Trait Type Default Description
ids string[]

The IDs of models to apply itemProperties to.

itemProperties any

Sets traits on group member items of specified id. This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups)