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Creates an I3S item in the catalog from an slpk.

Example usage

  "type": "I3S",
  "name": "CoM Melbourne 3D Photo Mesh",
  "id": "some-unique-id"


Trait Type Default Description
attribution string

The attribution to display with the data.

name string

The name of the catalog item.

description string

The description of the catalog item. Markdown and HTML may be used.

hideDefaultDescription boolean

If true, then no generic default description will be displayed if description is undefined.

nameInCatalog string

The name of the item to be displayed in the catalog, if it is different from the one to display in the workbench.

info InfoSectionTraits[]

Human-readable information about this dataset.

infoSectionOrder string[]

An array of section titles defining the display order of info sections. If this property is not defined, {@link DataPreviewSections}'s DEFAULT_SECTION_ORDER is used

isOpenInWorkbench boolean true

Whether the item in the workbench open or collapsed.

shortReport string

A short report to show on the now viewing tab.

shortReportSections ShortReportTraits[]

A list of collapsible sections of the short report

isExperiencingIssues boolean

Whether the catalog item is experiencing issues which may cause its data to be unavailable

hideSource boolean

Indicates that the source of this data should be hidden from the UI (obviously this isn't super-secure as you can just look at the network requests).

metadataUrls MetadataUrlTraits[]

Metadata URLs to show in data catalog.

dataUrls DataUrlTraits[]

Data URLs to show in data catalog.

dataCustodian string

Gets or sets a description of the custodian of this data item.

modelDimensions EnumDimensionTraits[]

This provides ability to set model JSON through SelectableDimensions (a dropdown). When an option is selected, the value property will be used to call updateModelFromJson(). All string properties support Mustache templates (with the catalog member as context)

disableAboutData boolean

Disables the 'About Data' button in the workbench.

shareable boolean true

True (default) if this catalog member may be included in share links. False to exclude it from share links.

options OptionsTraits

Additional options to pass to Cesium's Cesium3DTileset constructor.

style any

The style to use, specified according to the Cesium 3D Tiles Styling Language.

filters FilterTraits[]

The filters to apply to this catalog item.

colorBlendMode string MIX

The color blend mode decides how per-feature color is blended with color defined in the tileset. Acceptable values are HIGHLIGHT, MIX & REPLACE as defined in the cesium documentation -

colorBlendAmount number 0.5

When the colorBlendMode is MIX this value is used to interpolate between source color and feature color. A value of 0.0 results in the source color while a value of 1.0 results in the feature color, with any value in-between resulting in a mix of the source color and feature color.

featureIdProperties string[]

One or many properties of a feature that together identify it uniquely. This is useful for setting properties for individual features. eg: ['lat', 'lon'], ['buildingId'] etc.

ionAssetId number

The Cesium ion asset id. If this is set then the url is ignored

ionAccessToken string

Cesium ion access token. If not specified, the default token is used.

ionServer string

URL of the Cesium ion API server. If not specified, the default Ion server,, is used.

clippingPlanes ClippingPlaneCollectionTraits

The ClippingPlaneCollection used to selectively disable rendering the tileset.

clippingBox ClippingBoxTraits

Defines a user controllable clipping box used to hide or show sections of a model.

featureInfoUrlTemplate string

A template URL string for fetching feature info. Template values of the form {x} will be replaced with corresponding property values from the picked feature.

maxRequests number 10

Max number of feature info requests to send to API url. Keep this number small to avoid sending to many requests to server (default 10).

allowFeaturePicking boolean true

Indicates whether features in this catalog item can be selected by clicking them on the map.

highlightColor string #ff3f00

The color used to highlight a feature when it is picked. If not set, this defaults to Terria.baseMapContrastColor

terrainURL string

URL to construct ArcGISTiledElevationTerrainProvider for I3S geometry.

lightingFactor number[]

Cartesian2 of lighting factor for imageBasedLightingFactor

legends LegendTraits[]

The legends to display on the workbench.

legendBackgroundColor string

Apply background color to all legends. This can be useful if legends are transparent and clash with Terria colours

hideLegendInWorkbench boolean

Whether the legend is hidden in the workbench for this catalog member.

rectangle RectangleTraits

The bounding box rectangle that contains all the data in this catalog item.

idealZoom IdealZoomTraits

Override default ideal zoom if the given values are valid.

disablePreview boolean

Disables the preview on the Add Data panel. This is useful when the preview will be very slow to load.

disableZoomTo boolean

Disables the zoom to (aka 'Ideal Zoom') button in the workbench.

zoomOnAddToWorkbench boolean

Zoom to dataset when added to workbench. Doesn't work if disableZoomTo is true.

show boolean true

Show or hide a workbench item. When show is false, a mappable item is removed from the map and a chartable item is removed from the chart panel.

initialMessage InitialMessageTraits

A message to show when the user adds the catalog item to the workbench. Useful for showing disclaimers.

featureInfoTemplate FeatureInfoTemplateTraits

A template object for formatting content in feature info panel

showStringIfPropertyValueIsNull string

If the value of a property is null or undefined, show the specified string as the value of the property. Otherwise, the property name will not be listed at all.

maximumShownFeatureInfos number

The maximum number of "feature infos" that can be displayed in feature info panel.

opacity number 1

The opacity of the item.

disableOpacityControl boolean

When true, the user will be unable to change the opacity of the item

editing EditorTraits

Editor traits

search ItemSearchTraits

Item search configuration

shadows string NONE

Determines whether the tileset casts or receives shadows from each light source.

showShadowUi boolean true

Determines whether the shadow UI component will be shown on the workbench item

splitDirection number

The side of the splitter to display this imagery layer on. Defaults to both sides.

disableSplitter boolean

If true, splitter funcitonality will be hidden for this model.

origin LatLonHeightTraits

The origin of the model, expressed as a longitude and latitude in degrees and a height in meters. If this property is specified, the model's axes will have X pointing East, Y pointing North, and Z pointing Up. If not specified, the model is located in the Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed frame.

rotation HeadingPitchRollTraits

The rotation of the model expressed as heading, pitch and roll in the local frame of reference. Defaults to zero rotation.

scale number

The scale factor to apply to the model

url string

The base URL of the file or service.

forceProxy boolean

Force the default proxy to be used for all network requests.

cacheDuration string

The cache duration to use for proxied URLs for this catalog member. If undefined, proxied URLs are effectively cachable forever. The duration is expressed as a Varnish-like duration string, such as '1d' (one day) or '10000s' (ten thousand seconds).


Trait Type Default Description
name string

The name of the section.

content string

The content of the section, in Markdown and HTML format. Set this property to null to remove this section entirely.

contentAsObject any

The content of the section which is a JSON object. Set this property to null to remove this section entirely.

show boolean true

Indicates if this info section showing (not collapsed).


Trait Type Default Description
name string

The name of the section.

content string

The content of the section.

show boolean true

Indicates if this short report section showing.


Trait Type Default Description
url string

The metadata URL of the file or service.

title string

Title used for metadata URL button.


Trait Type Default Description
type string

Type of data URL. This value will be used to provide context or instruction on how to use the data URL. For example wcs will provide a link to WCS docs. Current supported values are: - wfs = A Web Feature Service (WFS) base URL - wcs = A Web Coverage Service (WCS) base URL - wfs-complete = A complete, ready-to-use link to download features from a WCS server - wcs-complete = A complete, ready-to-use link to download features from a WFS server - direct = Direct URL to dataset (this is the default if no type is specified) - none = Hide data URL

url string

The metadata URL of the file or service.

title string

Title used for metadata URL button.


Trait Type Default Description
id string

Dimension ID

name string

Dimension name (human-readable)

options DimensionOptionTraits[]

Dimension options

selectedId string

Selected Option's ID

allowUndefined boolean

Allow dimension to be undefined

disable boolean

Hides dimension


Trait Type Default Description
id string

Option ID

name string

Option name (human-readable)

value any

Value (if this is undefined, id will be used)


Trait Type Default Description
maximumScreenSpaceError number

The maximum screen space error used to drive level of detail refinement.

maximumNumberOfLoadedTiles number
pointCloudShading PointCloudShadingTraits

Point cloud shading parameters

showCreditsOnScreen boolean

Whether to display the credits of this tileset on screen.


Trait Type Default Description
attenuation boolean

Perform point attenuation based on geometric error.

geometricErrorScale number

Scale to be applied to each tile's geometric error.


Trait Type Default Description
name string

A name for the filter

property string

The name of the feature property to filter

minimumValue number

Minimum value of the property

maximumValue number

Minimum value of the property

minimumShown number

The lowest value the property can have if it is to be shown

maximumShown number

The largest value the property can have if it is to be shown


Trait Type Default Description
enabled boolean true

Determines whether the clipping planes are active.

unionClippingRegions boolean

If true, a region will be clipped if it is on the outside of any plane in the collection. Otherwise, a region will only be clipped if it is on the outside of every plane.

edgeWidth number

The width, in pixels, of the highlight applied to the edge along which an object is clipped.

edgeColor string

The color applied to highlight the edge along which an object is clipped.

planes ClippingPlaneDefinitionTraits[]

An array of ClippingPlane objects used to selectively disable rendering on the outside of each plane.

modelMatrix number[]

The 4x4 transformation matrix specifying an additional transform relative to the clipping planes original coordinate system.


Trait Type Default Description
distance number

The shortest distance from the origin to the plane. The sign of distance determines which side of the plane the origin is on. If distance is positive, the origin is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the origin is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the origin.

normal number[]

The plane's normal (normalized).


Trait Type Default Description
position LatLonHeightTraits

Latitude, longitude and height of the clipping box. When not set, the box is positioned at the center of the screen.

enableFeature boolean true

Set false to completely disable clipping box feature for the item.

clipModel boolean

Applies clipping when true.

showClippingBox boolean true

Shows a 3D box and associated UI for editing the clip volume.

keepBoxAboveGround boolean true

When true, prevents the box from going underground.

dimensions ClippingBoxDimensionTraits

The length, width and height of the clipping box. When not set, the box will be 1/3rd the screen size.

clipDirection string inside

Whether to clip the model outside of the box or inside. When this value is "outside", everything outside the box is clipped and when the value is "inside", everything inside the box is clipped. Default value is "inside"

size BoxSizeTraits

Length, width and height of the box

rotation HeadingPitchRollTraits

Rotation specified as heading, pitch and roll in degrees.

cornerPointsStyle CornerPointsStyleTraits

Corner points styling


Trait Type Default Description
latitude number

Latitude in degrees

longitude number

Longitude in degrees

height number

Height above ellipsoid in metres


Trait Type Default Description
length number

Length of the clipping box (along the x-axis).

width number

Width of the clipping box (along the y-axis).

height number

Height of the clipping box.


Trait Type Default Description
length string

Length of the box

width string

Length of the box

height string

Length of the box


Trait Type Default Description
heading number

Heading in degrees

pitch number

Pitch in degrees

roll number

Roll in degrees


Trait Type Default Description
pixelSize number

Pixel size of the corner point

color string

Corner point color. Can be any valid CSS color string.


Trait Type Default Description
title string

A title to be displayed above the legend.

url string

The URL of the legend image. If the URL suffix isn't one of the following png|jpg|jpeg|gif|svg, then urlMimeType must be defined - otherwise a hyperlink will be shown.

imageScaling number 1

Scaling of the legend. For example, a high DPI legend may have scaling = 0.5, so it will be scaled down 50%

urlMimeType string

The MIME type of the URL legend image. For example "image/png"

items LegendItemTraits[]
backgroundColor string

Apply background color to entire legend. This can be useful if legend is transparent and clashes with Terria colours. This will override legendBackgroundColor.


Trait Type Default Description
title string

The title to display next to this legend item.

multipleTitles string

Multiple titles to display next to this legend item.

maxMultipleTitlesShowed string 10

Maximum number of multiple titles to display next to this legend item. (Default is 10)

titleAbove string

The title to display above this legend item, i.e. marking the top of a box on the legend.

titleBelow string

The title to display below this legend item, i.e. marking the bottom of a box on the legend.

color string

The CSS color to display for this item. This property is ignored if Legend URL is specified.

outlineColor string

The CSS color with which to outline this item.

outlineWidth number

The width of outline in pixels

multipleColors string[]

Multiple colors to show with this item in a grid arrangement.

imageUrl string

The URL of an image to display with this item.

marker string

Maki marker ID to display with this item (eg "circle").

rotation number

The degrees to rotate legend item.

addSpacingAbove boolean

True to add a bit of extra spacing above this item in order to separate it visually from the rest of the legend.

imageHeight number 20

The height of the legend image.

imageWidth number 20

The width of the legend image.


Trait Type Default Description
west number

The westernmost longitude in degrees.

south number

The southernmost longitude in degrees.

east number

The easternmost longitude in degrees.

north number

The northernmost longitude in degrees.

position VectorTraits

Position of the camera in the Earth-centered Fixed frame in meters.

direction VectorTraits

The look direction of the camera in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.

up VectorTraits

The up vector direction of the camera in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.


Trait Type Default Description
x number

X component of vector in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.

y number

Y component of vector in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.

z number

Z component of vector in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.


Trait Type Default Description
lookAt LookAtTraits

Parameters for camera to look at a target.

camera CameraTraits

Use camera position, direction and up if fully defined. Otherwise use rectangle if fully defined.


Trait Type Default Description
targetLongitude number

Target longitude on the WGS84 ellipsoid in degrees

targetLatitude number

Target latitude on the WGS84 ellipsoid in degrees

targetHeight number 100

Target height in meters. Treat it as camera height. A positive value is above the WGS84 ellipsoid. Default to 100 meters.

heading number

Heading in degrees. Treat it as camera bearing. North is 0. A positive value rotates clockwise, negative anti-clockwise. Default to 0.

pitch number 45

Pitch in degrees. Treat it as camera pitch. A positive value is to look down, negative up. Default to 45.

range number 500

The range in meters. It is the distance between the target position and camera position projected onto the local plane. Not negative and default to 500.


Trait Type Default Description
position VectorTraits

Position of the camera in the Earth-centered Fixed frame in meters.

direction VectorTraits

The look direction of the camera in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.

up VectorTraits

The up vector direction of the camera in the Earth-centered Fixed frame.

west number

The westernmost longitude in degrees.

south number

The southernmost longitude in degrees.

east number

The easternmost longitude in degrees.

north number

The northernmost longitude in degrees.


Trait Type Default Description
title string

The title of the message.

content string

The content of the message.

key string

Identifier. If multiple messages with the same key are triggered, only the first will be displayed.

confirmation boolean

Whether the message requires confirmation.

confirmText string

If confirmation is true, the text to put on the confirmation button.

width number

Width of the message.

height number

Height of the message.


Trait Type Default Description
name string

A mustache template string for formatting name

template string

A Mustache template string for formatting description

showFeatureInfoDownloadWithTemplate boolean

Show feature info download if a template has been provided. If no template is provided, then download will always show.

partials any

An object, mapping partial names to a template string. Defines the partials used in Template.

formats any

An object, mapping field names to formatting options.


Trait Type Default Description
isEditable boolean

Indicates whether we can edit some aspect of the model item like its visibility or color

isTransformable boolean

Indicates whether we can rotate/translate/scale the model


Trait Type Default Description
providerType string

The type of the search provider.

providerOptions any

Options for the search provider.

resultTemplate string

Template string to format the item result. You can pass a mustache template and refer to variables in {}. The template can also have HTML markup or markdown formatting.

highlightColor string

A color to use for highlighting the selected result. Defaults to {@HighlightColorTraits.highlightColor} or {@Terria.baseMapContrastColor}

parameters SearchParameterTraits[]

Search parameter configurations


Trait Type Default Description
id string

ID of the search parameter

name string

A human readable name for the search parameter

queryOptions any

Options used when querying the parameter, these options will be passed to the index used for querying the parameter.