Problems and Solutions
TerriaJS app is accessible at http://localhost:3001
but it does not render a map.
The default TerriaJS configuration uses Cesium Ion for serving some of its basemaps. If the Cesium Ion access token has expired then these basemaps will fail to render. We recommend that you register and use your own Cesium Ion access token. Please see the documentation on client side configuration for configuring your access token. Also note that it is a violation of the Ion terms-of-use to use the default key in a deployed application.
Building TerriaMap (without yarn workspaces) throws an error like:
You have two copies of terriajs-cesium
yarn list terriajs-cesium
If there are 2 different versions listed, run:
yarn gulp sync-terriajs-dependencies
If there's only 1 version listed in 2 places your yarn lockfile is playing up. To fix it, you could use yarn-deduplicate or try reverting to a known good commit of your lockfile, and then run yarn install
When using yarn workspaces to develop a TerriaMap against a custom version of terriajs yarn install
throws error
An unexpected error occurred: "expected workspace package to exist for \"pkg-dir\""
or a similar error with a different package. Sometimes yarn versions after yarn@1.19.0 will cause an error when running yarn install using workspaces. The Github issue describing it has comments saying it’s caused by a workspace trying to install a different version of the same dependency.
Easiest fix is to install dependencies using an older version of yarn:
npx yarn@1.19.0 install
It’s possible the problem could also be fixed in certain cases by syncing dependency versions for the same package, and ensuring that a workspace doesn’t install the same dependency but with a different version. Syncing dependencies could help:
yarn gulp sync-terriajs-dependencies
I have already have NodeJS installed, but I need an early version for TerriaJS
You can use nvm to manage multiple versions of NodeJS.
Follow installation instructions here.
Then run the following to install NodeJS v16 and use it:
nvm install 16
nvm use 16
When building TerriaMap/TerriaJS I see the following error
Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported
Update to TerriaJS 8.4.1.