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Strata Examples

MagdaReference which resolves to WMS item

Bold items are not CommonStrata

  • Defaults
  • default
  • magda-record
  • Loadable
  • getCapabilities
  • Definition
  • underride
  • definition
  • override
  • User
  • user

Example Magda record

  "aspects": {
    "terria": {
      "definition": {
        "url": ""
      "underride": {
        "name": "A WMS layer name that has been updated by Magda Minion"
      "id": "wms-layer-id",
      "type": "wms"
  "id": "wms-layer-id",
  "name": "WMS layer name in Magda"

Defaults default

Will contain values in Trait definitions. It may also contain values copied from the Magda record's Terria aspect (property) - if default stratum has been defined

Defaults magda-record

Will contain name property defined in the Magda record. In provided example "name": "WMS layer name in Magda"

Loadable getCapabilities

Will contain properties loaded from WMS GetCapabilities request. For example:

  "name": "A WMS layer name provided by WMS GetCapabilities"

Definition underride

This my contain values copied from the Magda record's Terria aspect (property) - if underride stratum has been defined.

In provided example, this would be:

  "name": "A WMS layer name that has been updated by Magda Minion"

Definition definition

This will contain values copied from the Magda record's Terria aspect (property).

In provided example, this would be:

  "url": ""

Resolved model

  "name": "A WMS layer name that has been updated by Magda Minion",
  "url": ""