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Development translation guide

Before reading this read the user translation guide, to get familiar with all possible translation options.


All the string visible to the user should be translated using the below explained mechanisms.

useTranslation (hook)

It gets the t function and i18n instance inside your functional components.


import React from "react";
import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next";

export function MyComponent() {
  const { t, i18n } = useTranslation();
  // or const [t, i18n] = useTranslation();

  return <p>{t("key")}</p>; //returns corresponding translated text from translation files

See the useTranslation documentation for more details.

withTranslation (HOC)

The withTranslation is a classic HOC (higher order component) and gets the t function and i18n instance inside your component via props.


import React from "react";
import { withTranslation } from "react-i18next";

function MyComponent({ t, i18n }) {
  return <p>{t("my translated text")}</p>;

export default withTranslation()(MyComponent);

See the withTranslation documentation for more details.

Trans component

While the Trans component gives you a lot of power by letting you interpolate or translate complex react elements - the truth is - in most cases you won't need it.

As long you have no react nodes you like to be integrated into a translated text (text formatting, like strong, i, ...) or adding some link component - you won't need it - most can be done by using the good old t function.

import React from "react";
import { Trans, useTranslation } from "react-i18next";

function MyComponent() {
  const { t } = useTranslation("myNamespace");

  return (
    <Trans t={t} key="keyHelloWorld">
      Hello World

See the withTranslation documentation for more details.

Interesting functions


Use dynamic values in translations.

  "key": "{{what}} is {{how}}"


i18next.t("key", { what: "i18next", how: "great" });
// -> "i18next is great"

See the i18next interpolation documentation for further details.

Singular / Plural

i18next features automatic recognition of singular and plural forms.

The variable name must be count!


  "key": "item",
  "key_plural": "items",
  "keyWithCount": "{{count}} item",
  "keyWithCount_plural": "{{count}} items"


i18next.t("key", { count: 0 }); // -> "items"
i18next.t("key", { count: 1 }); // -> "item"
i18next.t("key", { count: 5 }); // -> "items"
i18next.t("key", { count: 100 }); // -> "items"
i18next.t("keyWithCount", { count: 0 }); // -> "0 items"
i18next.t("keyWithCount", { count: 1 }); // -> "1 item"
i18next.t("keyWithCount", { count: 5 }); // -> "5 items"
i18next.t("keyWithCount", { count: 100 }); // -> "100 items"

See the i18next singular-plural documentation for more details.


Nesting allows you to reference other keys in a translation.


  "nesting1": "1 $t(nesting2)",
  "nesting2": "2 $t(nesting3)",
  "nesting3": "3"


i18next.t("nesting1"); // -> "1 2 3"

See the i18next nesting documentation for more details.


By providing a context you can differ translations.


  "friend": "A friend",
  "friend_male": "A boyfriend",
  "friend_female": "A girlfriend"


i18next.t("friend"); // -> "A friend"
i18next.t("friend", { context: "male" }); // -> "A boyfriend"
i18next.t("friend", { context: "female" }); // -> "A girlfriend"

See the react-i18next context documentation for more details.

Future work

  • Support internationalization of catalog content.